Dracula Exotica (1980) Online Watch Movie.
Directed by: Shaun Costello.
Released: December 28, 1980.
Runtime: 99 min.
Genres: Comedy, Horror.
Countries: USA.
Language: English.
Movie Info:
Actors: Diana Sloan, Denise Sloan, Inez de Falla, Carol Markoe, Terry Yule, Leigh Hope, Alba Bonn, Murray Bukowski, Bobby Astyr, Gordon G. Duvall, Roger Caine, Eric Edwards, Vanessa del Rio, Samantha Fox, Jamie Gillis.
Plot: Sailing to the USA, smuggler Vita Valdez stabs Count Dracula, but he bites her. A necrophiliac morgue attendant reveals she became a vampire. She becomes Dracula's
secretary but turns a sergeant into a vampire against Dracula.
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Comedy Horror